Just a reminder: the world ends tomorrow. Party hard.
Okay, when you read the title of this blog post, you probably thought, "Geez! That's really braggy. I don't want to hear about all the awesome things she's done that I haven't been able to."
It's not like that, trust me.
You probably haven't done these things because you have more common sense than I do.
I'll elaborate.
1) Licked cookie dough off a knife.
2) Realized, on Christmas Eve, that I didn't get my Mom a present ("Oh my gosh - DAD! START THE CAR!")
3) Gone to get the mail, in the dead of winter, wearing pajamas.
4) Sobbed over the death of a favorite book character in public.
5) Got attacked by a cat, a mouse, and a peacock in one day.
6) Watched a recording of a fireplace on TV for fifteen minutes while making harsh criticisms. "It's really choppy." "It's not a Yule log. It says Yule log." "It's making unnatural noises."
7) Gave a total stranger a ring box containing a single penny, said, "Don't let this fall into the wrong hands." and ran away.
8) Walked around Walmart, muttering, "Stupid Muggles. I'm surrounded by filth. They think they know everything...ha!"
9) Swallowed a cap off of a pen.
10) Nearly cried with fear during an inspirational movie.
11) Waded through a river in December.
12) Accidentally ate the little brown wrapper on a Reeces peanut butter cup.
13) Watched a Dementor scene in Harry Potter, home alone, at night (about halfway through, I realized I made a terrible mistake.)
14) Ate an entire package of Pixie Stix in one sitting.
15) Wheeled away a shopping cart halfway through the store until I realized this wasn't my Mom's.
16) Watched a trailer for Shark Week despite my terrible of sharks.
Okay, how about you? What's the most regrettable thing you've ever done?