
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fellowship of the Ring Character Cheat Sheet

*aggressively Chicken Dances towards you*

And here you are. A semicomprehensive list of most of the characters you kind of need to remember. Part One.

1. Dumbledore

The wizard who never uses magic.

2. Main Midget

The one who's possessed for an enormous portion of the movie.

3. Other Midget

The one who can't go two sentences without saying, 'Mr. Frodo'.

4. Weasley Twin #1

The one no one particularly cares about.

5. Weasley Twin #2

See 'Weasley Twin #1'. 

6. "One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor"

The bipolar ginger.

7. "But Today Is Not That Day"

The one that kind of looks like the bipolar ginger, but isn't.

8. Legoland

Orlando Bloom.

9. Dwarf Guy

The midget with anger issues.

10. The One That Isn't Dumbledore

Evil and not Dumbledore.

You're welcome.


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